家庭资源 & 教育


Finding the right child care takes time and accurate information. 一个…的好地方 start is 与 博天堂官方 Family Connections, your local child care resource and referral. Knowledgeable consultants will give you the facts about childcare, answer your questions, 并根据您的需求提供量身定制的推荐. 请致电541-917-4899.


Family Connections consultants have information about parenting education, children’s activities, summer camps, fun things for families to do, support groups and other family centered resources throughout Linn and Benton Counties. 联络家庭联络处, 请打电话给 541-917-4899 或发邮件至connect@forestnhill.com.

The 育儿成功网 is another great resource for families in our area.  参观 成功育儿网网站  for information about local parenting activities, a parenting tips blog, community resources, and a calendar of parenting classes and workshops being taught in our area.  (我们的网站也有西班牙语版本)  In addition, the 育儿成功网 offers a 脸谱网页面 of timely information, and a selection of family videos on our YouTube频道.


Experienced staff at Family Connections offer personalized referrals to meet each 家庭的需要.  Family Connections does not recommend specific providers because families know what care programs are the best fit for them. 你找保姆 begins 与 a conversation 与 your personal Family Connections child care consultant who is knowledgeable about all aspects of your search and has information about what to look for and questions to ask as you begin your child care search.  叫家人 直接连接 541-917-4899.

留出时间去寻找一个高质量的项目. Talk to several providers and visit as many programs as you can. 如果可能的话,开始 提前做好准备. It may take some time to find a program and provider you are satisfied 与. Some providers keep a waiting list (go prepared 与 some slips of paper) 与 your name and phone number to leave 与 a provider you like. 知道你的孩子 is well cared for will be worth the effort and time you put into finding the right 为孩子制定的计划.

考虑一下儿童保育的成本. 托儿费用是多少?  Keep in mind that the child care program is the provider's 业务. Providers charge varying rates and have methods of preferred payment.  低 income working families may be eligible for child care subsidies.  检查俄勒冈州 幼儿照顾援助网页 看看你是否有资格获得儿童保育补贴. 学生家庭可申请 这里的儿童保育补助金.   

打电话给托儿服务提供者. 每次打电话的开始都要问一下是否方便 说话. (如果没有,找出时间 现在再打过去比较好吗.讨论以下内容 information including anything 其他对你很重要的事情:

打电话给托儿服务提供者. 每次打电话的开始都要问一下是否方便 说话. (如果没有,找出时间 现在再打过去比较好吗.讨论以下内容 information including anything 其他对你很重要的事情:

  • 可用的空缺
  • 你的日程安排需求
  • 典型的日常活动
  • 程序位置
  • 提供商收取的费用
  • 是否有宠物在场

If you like what you hear on the phone, arrange a time to visit the child care site. Never rely on another person's opinion of a program 与out checking it out for yourself.

探访托儿服务提供者. Arrange at least one visit when children are present so you can observe the provider’s interactions 与 them. 一些供应商鼓励将 your own child along 与 the understanding that it is only a visit and no decision 会在这一点上做什么. Ask to meet any substitutes who will be present in the 托儿时间安排.


  • 总体积极情绪
  • 孩子们看起来很快乐,并参与有趣的活动
  • Provider is focused on children, is caring and energetic and affectionate 与 them
  • 使用积极的指导
  • 提供商有效沟通
  • Environment is safe 与 space for various activities
  • 电视不是节目的主要部分
  • 供应商已为紧急情况做好准备

要求推荐信. When you find a provider that you like, ask for names and phone 父母的电话号码,你可以打电话给他们作为参考. 向父母询问他们孩子的情况 经历. If they had to choose another time, would they choose that provider again?

做个决定. Weigh all of the information, trust your feelings, sort out what 你感觉很强烈,并做出最后的决定. 你的孩子在哪里最快乐? 你在哪个地方最舒服? 计划减少访问量.

If you don’t find a situation that is a good match for you, call Family Connections 再次寻求更多帮助,电话:541-917-4899.


Oregon Department of Human Services offers a subsidy system to help low income working 家庭为他们的儿童保育买单.  与就业有关的日间护理服务.

Student families needing child care while they attend college may be eligible for 儿童保育补助金. 信息 儿童保育补助金.

Students attending Oregon colleges or universities should check their web sites to see if there is additional assistance offered to student families.

Certain child care programs such as Head Start offer low income families preschool 免费项目. 看看你是否有资格参加启智计划. 

Other child care programs may offer sliding scales, scholarships or other financial support for families call Family Connections 541-917-4899 for more information or 电子邮件我们.


Licensed Care - All licensed providers have training hour requirements based on type 的许可


  • 位于供应商住所. 只应用于该地址的一个提供商.
  • Maximum of 10 children 允许 in care at any time including provider’s own under 13.
  • 某些年龄限制和比例适用.
  • Health and safety inspection prior to licensing and every two years at renewal.
  • All residents and regular visitors over 18-years old must enroll on Central Background 注册表.


  • Located in building built as single family residence, may not be provider’s residence. Provider may hire assistance which may affect age and number of children and ratios 允许.
  • 最多16个孩子,取决于工作人员和空间.
  • Fire, sanitation, and Child Care Division inspections. 许可证必须每年更新一次. All over 18 与 access to children must enroll on Central Background 注册表.


  • Three or fewer child care children at any time unless ALL children from same family.
  • 由父母或监护人照料的.
  • Occasional care by someone who does not usually do regular child care.
  • 教育al preschools for children 3-5 years and less than 4 hours a day.
  • Facilities providing activities such as drama, music, or dancing.
  • 俱乐部 or hobby groups offering short term activities or sporting events.
  • 负责儿童保育的政府机构.
  • For further information about types of child care, check out 俄勒冈州的法规.